Computer Science (2) OMSCS (2) books (1) data (3) data analysis (1) expansion (1) experiment (3) machine learning (3) marketing (6) optimization (1) other (1) product (5) statistics (8) test (2)

 Computer Science (2)

OMSCS Software Development Process and Computer Network
OMSCS Reinforcement Learning Class

 OMSCS (2)

OMSCS Software Development Process and Computer Network
OMSCS Reinforcement Learning Class

 books (1)

Flake it till you make it

 data (3)

Introduction to Generalized Linear Model
Data and Product
Data Science Resources

 data analysis (1)

Product and Strategy Analysis

 expansion (1)

Business Units Clustering

 experiment (3)

A/B/N Test Analysis
Ritual Experimental Framework MVP
Looker A/B test

 machine learning (3)

Business Units Clustering
User Classification
Data Science Resources

 marketing (6)

Feature Engineering and Cluster Demographic/Interaction Data
Item Similarity Calculation Via Enhanced Graph Embedding with Side information
Marketing Power Analysis
Merchant Lifetime Value Analysis
User Marketing Recommendation System
User Classification

 optimization (1)

User Marketing Recommendation System

 other (1)

Personalized Data Science Road Map

 product (5)

Bayesian A/B/n test Compared with Parametric Bootstrap Test
Product and Strategy Analysis
Ritual Experimental Framework MVP
Looker A/B test
Data and Product

 statistics (8)

Feature Engineering and Cluster Demographic/Interaction Data
Item Similarity Calculation Via Enhanced Graph Embedding with Side information
Bayesian A/B/n test Compared with Parametric Bootstrap Test
A/B/N Test Analysis
Marketing Power Analysis
Introduction to Generalized Linear Model
Merchant Lifetime Value Analysis
User Marketing Recommendation System

 test (2)

Sample blog post
Flake it till you make it